Personal blog and content for reading enjoyers

  • My imqhotbqh on Gothic

    First Gothic game of course I mean. Currently in process of playing second one and in the same time ELEX, which is another RPG from same devs that has completely different setting from Gothic, but a lot of similar vibes. Not a very fresh review, since I finished first game quite some time ago, just…

  • Boomerathon 2. Plans and details

    Boomerathon announced, sexy can of white monster near my face is already posted on Twitter and Discord has more beefy announcement that has some of the details about what’s planned etc. This post is to put most of the info about what to expect in one place for people to read and in a little…

  • Me and special streams

    More than a week after charity stream and everything is still a little bit all over the place, but it’s a lot better and I’m more calm now, now I would say my grinding addiction is interrupting natural flow of things and that’s why I forgot to write a blog post on Thursday. As I…

  • Gaming Tuesday 2020 Charity Stream results and thoughts

    I just realized that post I was writing before the stream remained in drafts, because I completely forgot to finish and post it due to being stressed out and nervous about my charity stream, so previous week even with 2 day offs got no posts. That’s not very xqcL and I’ll bring that topic up…

  • My take on Twitch selling Affiliate status with Monstercat subscription

    Been a while since I posted my Pepega takes, so here we go, very fresh one too. Affiliate status is something that is very hard to get on Twitch, but now you can get it by just investing pretty small sum of money in music service subscription. Obviously reaction to that was pretty negative overall,…

  • My imqhotbqh on Wasteland 3

    Completely missed previous week’s blog post, but now that I got an extra day off this week I’ll write one extra and accidentally it is about another thing that was affected by my degen life – Wasteland 3 playthrough that is now over and I can share my opinion. I sure took my time and…