Current state of my channel and life after adjustments to schedules
Now that it’s been a bit more than a month since I tamed my streaming hours, returned my day off and introduced some “speshul” days in my schedule, it’s time to review some first results. Just sorta little IRL update.
My imqhotbqh on Genshin Impact
AYAYA fellow weebs, it’s time for my take on your waifu collecting simulator. Yeah, yours, no waifus here, I’m in purely for gameplay and insane plot of course as a proper refined gentleman. Instant disclaimer: I don’t like gacha monetization mechanics, game is good and doesn’t force these mechanics on you too much, but since…
My imqhotbqh on Crusader Kings 3
If you guys managed to catch some of my recent streams, you probably know that I’m actually embracing the 5Head-ness and trying some of that Paradox Grand thinkening, I think it was already overdue and I knew that I’ll enjoy that. And I sure do. Game even got me into state of mind that made…
My take on recent mid-roll ads idea on Twitch
Well I’ll start with ez tl;dr – “It is a really bad idea to add mid-roll ads on Twitch”, that’s it, you read it, nothing to see here – move along. But seriously it’s a part of a long “paradigm shift” that Twitch is doing to increase their ad revenue through us, streamers working on…
Back to regular blogging, more on scheduling and plans
More than a month of non-stop streaming, almost 280 hours of streaming in a month, so more than 9 hours on average with no day offs and honestly, it’s not even something insane, but the problem is finding time to do something else. Not even like IRL things like hanging out with friends etc (even…
My current Fallout 76 grind and its future
Fallout 76 totally requires a “review” from me here too, but I think one post won’t be enough even with my walls of texts if I will go on a rant about some decisions or if I will start talking about some potentially good things to change or implement in the game. For now I’ll…