Business Information

ComradeNerdy profile picture
  • Twitch: 40 CCV, 7464 followers, Partnered status
  • Twitter: 554 followers, Premium status
  • Instagram: 209 followers
  • YouTube currently WIP

My rates for sponsored streams: 1$ per viewer/hour.

With my current CCV and most common format of sponsored stream it will be 80 USD for 2 hour stream segment with Twitter/X announcement post, panel in stream description and automatic timed posts in chat.

Every activation first needs to be discussed through e-mail (you can see the link to contacts below). Not working with companies/products that aren’t legal in accordance to international and Georgian law.

Twitch is my main platform: doing streams 9am-4pm CEST at least 5 days a week (usually all days except Tuesday and Wednesday). Trying to do 2 different games/categories per stream, AAA and indie alike, sometimes IRL content.

Page is currently Work In Progress