Personal blog and content for reading enjoyers

  • First batch of beer financial calculations

    Since Pepega Brewery is running on fundraiser basically and you guys are main investors technically, it makes sense to post a financial report about its work, not gonna implement any lootboxes or microtransactions to increase profits btw, making it clear straight up. But seriously many were interested in costs of making your own beer, so…

  • Labour Day, more like Labour Month

    1st of May aka Labour Day was always one of the most important holidays here during soviet time, due to ideological meaning mostly of course, but they still kept it after the fall, just renamed a bit and now it’s more “casual”, was quite surprised to find out that it is celebrated in other countries…

  • My take on priority queue situation for streamers in PoE

    Now that I posted my opinion about special treatment for streamers in general it’s time to analyze the situation that caused all the uproar recently and apply my vision to it. My general vision was in previous post, now it’s more about one particular situation…

  • My take on streamers getting priority, early access and other benefits

    In case you aren’t playing Path of Exile and don’t watch streamers related to it, even though that “drama” went quite far from game’s usual circle for a day or two, I’ll give a very quick tl;dr – launch of new league was a disaster with people getting disconnected and with big queues while streamers…

  • Twitch Meta. Intro post and some of my vision

    Meta is a pretty popular term nowadays in our gaming circles, coming from competitive games and used in many other departments now. In short Meta in gaming stands for state of things in some environment that becomes most popular or even default. Can use it anywhere, but gaming is the easiest example – some character…

  • Little update on current situation, plans, brewery etc

    Only one month since my stream anniversary, all the fundraising and good stuff, feels like it was way longer. That’s a good sign though – means a lot of stuff happening lately and I like it a lot compared to when nothing happens and time just disappears nowhere. What is currently happening and what’s planned…