Personal blog and content for reading enjoyers

  • My stream schedule and hours philosophy

    Time management is a very important topic for everyone really and realization of that drops on you very hard and suddenly usually at some point in your life when adulting starts invading your daily routine. There are already lots of time management long reads, coaches and other things to tell you how to live your…

  • My imqhotbqh on Drug Dealer Simulator

    I’m not completely done with the game and game at the time of writing doesn’t have all the content in yet and bunch of that will be gradually added to the game. But at this point I think I already can form some sort of opinion on the game even in it’s current state and…

  • My imqhotbqh on The Surge 2

    Dark Souls of Surgelikes was unfortunately finished last week and I actually was a bit sad with it going to the “folder” of finished games for me. Haven’t played first game, only watched Ela playing through it and speedrunning it, not planning to play it though, especially after playing overall superior second game. But let’s…

  • Little useful trick I use for streaming and in general

    Useful post that will have mostly practical usage, diary mode with my thoughts and regular content will return soon, I want to get used to writing posts more frequently, but happy with one per week currently already, better than nothing for months for sure. So let’s get to that trick…

  • Me and Valorant in nearby future

    Since some people are asking if I’m going to play or not and in general that question is being asked a lot in different channels, i might as well write a post with my answer, which will be the first part and rest will be just a bunch of my thoughts on what I see…

  • Quarantine Diary. Or rather just an update on life stuff

    Day 10 of self-imposed partial isolation – life didn’t change a single bit, so no dramatic stuff here. Well, except lack of gym and swimming which gave me more time to stream – blows that cost is quite high, but i’d say it’s quite worth in my book. Now for the update itself.