Category: Updates

  • Back from partyharding. Plans based on answers i got from Twitch

    Summer house fiesta is over, might get one more session in a couple of weeks, but i will try to dodge it and worst case it will be just using Friday as my regular day off and then streaming on Saturday normally, at least shouldn’t be so many parties and stuff in a row. Got…

  • Schedule for this weekend and next week

    Got a schedule for Ela’s ESA streams (you can check it in his Discord server, my pinned message in general), so that allowed me to plan my streams for next week, obviously things might get changed and adjusted though. Also this weekend is sorted now too so let’s go.

  • Consistent blogger coming through

    Another casual post with some updates and reports. Epic posts will happen, just you wait, getting used to it and building a habit to post things regularly atm and it’s coming along nicely i’d say.

  • Some news and updates

    First of all details about my month of transparency are a bit delayed, i already started writing a post, but decided to clear some things first from legal perspective, so hopefully in next couple of days. If everything is clear and i know what i can and what i can’t talk about, it might lead…

  • Plans for next week (16.07-22.07)

    Pretty tired after 2 back to back long streams, but it feels good, so i decided to post some short plans for the week before sleep.

  • Weekend plans

    Professional streamer and blogger with some MLG planning skills is here. Gonna try to plan some stuff ahead and in future will probably stick to posting plans for a week or maybe posts for workdays and weekend, also planning to get a schedule plugin for the website so i can plan things more precisely and…

  • Privet, Mir!

    Ruski “Hello, World!” to everyone! Website is finally somewhat alive in a very LIDL form. Slowly gonna update and change it to make it more “professional”, but i guess that’s not too LIDL so we are good to go. Will fill it with content and post stuff here with current design and functionality, more than…