My imqhotbqh on Endless games
Free weekend and sale are over, but couldn’t really write before to make it in time, so that will be more for next sale, which will probably be relatively soon, since Endless games are on sale a lot usually. Full “review” in full version of this post.
Delayed but still Transparent update with plans
Nice philosophical conversation till 4am in Discord killed my plans yesterday, so i didn’t post a report, gonna post it today then with some plans for the weekend.
Before bed report post
Consistent blogger trying to keep being consistent, but still with bad posting schedule, because late. Just a smol post to report current status on some plans and other things, a bit on Transparent Month, didn’t spend anything yet really, just a bit.
Transparent Professional Streamer Month. Intro
So what’s all this ruckus about? Pretty simple – just being transparent with you, seriously, nothing to do with any memes, except the word. What exactly does it mean? In short: episodic reality show about my life as a streamer, public diary that isn’t going too deep into my thoughts, but more on the surface…
About alert system clown fiesta
Didn’t write a post yesterday, thought i should move my posting times to more reasonable time and not at night, then realized today that i barely have time in the morning, then stream for 12 hours and it’s night posting again today, so it was all pointless. I’m planning to try posting some time during…
Back from partyharding. Plans based on answers i got from Twitch
Summer house fiesta is over, might get one more session in a couple of weeks, but i will try to dodge it and worst case it will be just using Friday as my regular day off and then streaming on Saturday normally, at least shouldn’t be so many parties and stuff in a row. Got…